A website into German, a mailing for the friends’ association into Italian, a brochure into English, a programme booklet into French or Spanish: Cultuurvertalingen can take all of the above for you.
Translating a catalogue from English into Dutch, a film script from German into Spanish or the subtitles of a documentary into French: Blauvelt Cultuurvertalingen does it all. You can also rely on us for large, multi-language projects. Thanks to our unique uniform rates you will always know exactly how much your translation will cost in advance.
We translate all kinds of texts related to cultural events, from admission tickets and banners to press releases. It goes without saying that we do this creatively yet meticulously, without detracting from what the author’s original intention.
Each translation is proofread as a standard and corrected by a proofreader who is also a native speaker of the target language. This method allows us to guarantee that you will receive outstanding translations, tailored to the specific jargon inherent to the esteemed arts and culture sector.
Comprehensive package of services
Translation is our core business, but we are increasingly called upon for the following services:
Languages and rates
We translate your texts into more than thirty-five languages. We divide texts to be translated from Dutch into other languages into three categories: basic, premium and specific languages.
Basic languages are the rule rather than the exception in our everyday practice, for which we have built up an extensive network of translators. We calculate a uniform price scale for languages that fall under this category. The cost of a translation into French, for example, is therefore identical to that of one into English, German or Polish.
Significantly fewer translators are available for the premium languages, which results in a higher cost price. Here, too, we charge a uniform rate, which is approximately 20% higher than for basic languages.
Then there are the specific languages, for which is the number of translators with Dutch as their source language limited. For this reason, the level of difficulty of the text and the available capacity are taken into consideration for each project individually. In extreme cases, the Dutch text is first converted to English and then further translated from there.